Artworks! :D in DALIF-HF'S SIDE! (B.F_C.I.W)

Deep sea of sadness.

Although a Garou character who is not on the side of Monster or Hero and defeats several heroes..but there is still a kind heart from he cares about the boy and always saves the boy from threats (like the manga show it)

This Wednesday I have a special graduation ceremony for grade 5 (form 5) only.... as the best memory in our lives...

It's been a long time since I've drawn digital art with full color... and I'm... not very good at drawing background art...

No idea in class to draw be like:

I think...I forgot how to draw a girl's long hair it feels like...

Many people think that Hamas is a terrorist..this is..that...this must be because of the news or listening to the opinions of others out my opinion, Hamas is a freedom fighter and not a terrorist..and also they are Palestinians too (ret artikel)

Me VS Bigas

Bila kau dalam exam sebenar.... engkau akan merasai ketegangannya macam mana.....


When you are in the real exam... you will feel the tension.....

I forgot to draw to do the 2nd scene... the target that Sity is targeting is me